Friday, May 23, 2008

Blog topic suggestions

Is there something in Dracula that you're dying to discuss? Do you have lots of unanswered questions? Do you just want to vent, constructively of course? Post your suggestions here and if I think they can be developed, I'll create a new blog topic!!

Summer Reading: Essay Topics and questions

Just a reminder: you are required to complete an essay due the first day of class. I've reposted the essay topics below.
PLEASE use this blog to ask me specific questions about your essays. For example, if you're not sure about your thesis, post it here and we can all provide constructive criticisms!!

English 11 Honors
Required Reading

Directions: Choose ONE of the following essays to complete after reading Dracula. Your essay should be a minimum of two typed double-spaced pages in 12 Times New Roman font. Remember that the last sentence of your introduction should contain your thesis. Avoid plot summary and stay away from the internet. This essay is due the first day of school.
Choice One: Choose an implausible or strikingly unrealistic incident or character in Dracula. Write an essay that explains how the incident or character is related to the more realistic or plausible elements in the rest of the work. Avoid plot summary.

Choice Two: Many works of literature not readily identified with the mystery or detective story genre nonetheless involve the investigation of a mystery. In these works, the solution to the mystery may be less important than the knowledge gained in the process of its investigation. Write an essay in which you identify the mystery in Dracula and explain how the investigation illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

Choice Three: From Dracula, select an important character who is a villain. Then, in a well-organized essay, analyze the nature of the character's villainy and show how it enhances meaning in the work. Do not merely summarize the plot.

Summer reading II: Dracula defined

As you read through Dracula, did you pay close attention to who he is?
Go beyond your initial impressions and define Dracula as a "man."
  • Describe Dracula's weaknesses and his strengths. How do these weaknesses make him vulnerable? How do Van Helsing and his crew exploit these weaknesses?
  • Conversely, what are his major powers and how does he use them to get exactly what he wants? Consider, can some of his powers be both weaknesses and strengths?

One more thing: when possible, use specific quotes and page numbers from the novel to back up your reading. And don't forget, use this blog to ask questions!!!!

Summer Reading: Dracula first impressions

So how is everybody's reading going so far? Did you make it past the slow introduction?
I'm interested in your initial impressions of Count Dracula.

Consider the following suggestions:
In your response, consider where Dracula lives, how he speaks, acts, smells. In other words, how would you characterize this character? And what about Jonathan Harker's reaction to the Count? Do you think he's too naive or does he act reasonably?